Just one of the perks of doing business with the artist herself.
custom project form Thanks for your interest in a custom project by Jennifer Mally. Please fill out the information below as best you can. Jennifer will follow up with you regarding pricing and scheduling. If you have a specific deadline, be sure to mention that on the form. If you prefer to speak with Jennifer directly about your project, you may call her at 515-277-2849 or check the "please call me" box at the bottom of this form.
In what type of custom project are you interested? Be sure to provide more details in the description box below.
For announcements, invitations and other card items....
Describe what ideas you may have for the project(s), including themes, colors, whatever comes to mind. If you're interest in commissioning an original painting, be sure to mention what size you have in mind. Don't worry if you're low on ideas. Jennifer's good at coming up with suggestions for you.
Please call me.
Check this box if you'd like to receive Jennifer's newsletter in the mail. (If you don't already.)
Check this box if you'd like to receive e-mails about website updates and promotions for haveaheartcreations.com. (If so, be sure you've entered your e-mail address above.)
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Jennifer Mally, or anyone connected with her and Have A Heart Creations, absolutely will not share your information with anyone.