Dragonfly, am I ©2003 Jennifer Mally
In a dream I was skimming across the top of the lake, cool mist on my cheeks and tickling my toes. Morning had touched the skies and I was as much a part of the dawning day as the sun that yawned and stretched and the clouds that whispered by, the fish that spied a meal and the loon who called her young.
I speed over mirrored waters with a grace all my own. I am the wind embodied in a slender, delicate frame. I am the very essence of strength, yet so close to nothingness, I am hardly here.
When I alight upon a friendly dock to warm myself and say hello, I wake to find my lacy wings have gone as has the night. And I am simply me with a dreamy memory of being truly free.
for Mom and Dad by Jennifer Hedberg Mally July 2003