Naked "Bodies" and Little Angels by Jennifer Mally
We used to have several naked "bodies" about the house, but sometime during the last few months these "bodies" have now become "Barbies." Which is what they are, of course. However, I felt that 2½-year-old Greta in all her wonder-filled wisdom hit the mark better when she called these leggy, pinched-waist, plastic creatures "bodies." It saddens me a bit to hear her say "Barbies." My baby's growing up.
There are many other ways that she bestows her wisdom upon me. Going on a walk with her has become something of an adventure. We come home with handfuls of little treasures, my palms yellowed from dandelion bouquets and dirtied from rocks and sticks. Puddles are, most definitely, made for jumping in. And every child she sees is either her "sister" or her "friend," whether she knows them or not.
Her honesty is a refreshing treat. "Who stuck the crayon in the VCR?" "I did Mama." "Why did you put stickers all over the back door?" "It looks good." Or, these tickle the ear…"This tastes yucky." "Mommy you look beauuuutiful." "My bottom has the hiccups." And my personal favorite, "Are you a baby or a little girl?" "I'm a angel," she replied with all the sweetness she could muster.
So, yes, everyday I thank God for our little angel. Because even though she's been tearing wallpaper off the walls, even though she pours her juice on the carpet and on the dog, even though she thinks potty training is a waste of time, even though she screams like the devil when she doesn't get her way, even though yesterday she loved green beans and today she doesn't, she always hugs me with all her might and reminds me of what is really important.
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